Provider Locations

Get connected to diagnostic solutions today


Find Your Representative

Whether you are located in the North, South, East or West coast, we have a representative to help simplify the process of bringing diagnostic solutions to your practice.

Scientist working

About Our Regions

We are able to expediently provide all regions of the US with access to a provider that knows the needs of their specific region and can easily facilitate a diagnostic partnership that will last.

West Coast

From Seattle to San Diego, we have a variety of representatives ready to start talking with you about next steps for your diagnostic solutions today.


Whether you’re in Atlanta or on the coast of Florida, our representatives are knowledgeable in precisely what types of services the Southeast needs.


From Chicago to the Plains, our representatives are ready to solve any diagnostic problems your practice in the Midwest is experiencing.


Our location in the Northeast is ready to begin conquering your diagnostic challenges together. Reach out today to learn more.